John Austin Larrabee III - Online Memorial Website

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John Larrabee III
Born in Oregon
42 years
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Bob R The Scedule Magnet February 8, 2013
GREAT Memory -

Something came up today (2013) - That day you decided that I needed to know the score to all of the Beaver games (2001 season) - so you wrote on my magnet in your chicken scratch - sloppy arse hand writing (yea---- i have been called anal ... lol) - Man I was so pissed.  I think we took a week or two off from talking or being friends (LOL - Drama Queens !!) - Anyway - I still have that magnet on my fridge today !!! 

Miss you a ton !!
Lynda Larrabee

It all began with a wink.  I (Beach-Ski Babe) winked at John on  Both of us had recently come to on-line dating.  John liked what he saw on my site and was quick to respond.  I left town for a week shortly after we began correspondence.  (Annual trip to Palm Desert to see my parents.)  I had told my folks, while down there, that I would go skiing upon my return, because Mt. Hood had received an unexpected spring snowfall.  When I got on line upon my return, there was a message from John.  He said that he planned to go skiing the next day and asked if I would like to meet him.  I agreed and we planned to talk that evening. 


When he called I was impressed by his openness and his love of family - especially his son Brnadon, which was instantly recognized.  He asked me if I liked tuna fish sandwiches, which is what he planned to make for lunch.  I loved that he would make something, showing some frugality and also imagination in the kitchen.  (Little did I then know of his passion for food and cooking!)  We planned to meet at Starbucks in Sandy and by the end of the marthon phone call he had convinced me that I was safe to transfer to his Tahoe, rather than drive myself up the mountain.  He warned me to be on time, as lateness was a pet pieve of his. 


This was April 9, 2005.  I arrived about 15 minutes early and got myself some coffee.  I began calling him when he was 15 minutes late.  When he finally picked up, I realized that he was still in bed.  He assured me that he was heading out the door and would be there in another 20 minutes.  John always said that when he first saw me that he was shocked by my beauty.  He told me of the amazement all the way up the mountain, (and for the rest of his life!).  I always considered this first day together a series of seven dates.  The ride up the mountain was the first.


John was a gentleman.  Being a boarder himself, he immediately offered to carry my poles to ease my load.  Nice.  He also allowed me to buy my own lift ticket.  Respectful.  The morning was great!  Sunny!  I was just slightly more advanced than him on the mountain, which was perfect for me and gave him the opportunity to lavish me with more compliments.  This morning on the slopes was what I considered our second date.


Date #3 was lunch by the fireside.  We were joined by a young Christian couple and we enjoyed sharing stories of faith.  Wow....what a guy!  It was during our afternoon of skiing that John asked if he could hold my hand.  We joined gloved hands.  Cute, I thought!  He said he felt like a 7th grader.  Funny.  That was date four.  On Date five we headed down the mountain and John learned of my interest in microbrews as he asked if I wanted to stop by the brew pub for a cold one.  Clearly,  neither of us wanted the day to end.  While enjoying our beers he said that he knew it sounded a bit odd, but that he had purchased prawns the day before for his dinner tonight.  He assured me that the was plenty for two, but that we should stop by the store and buy some wine.  He kissed me for the first time in the Safeway parking lot, which was fine, since it was officially our sixth date.


Dinner was fabulous (of course) and we started watching a movie.  Date #7.  I had a bit too much wine, after a long day in the fresh air, and fell asleep watching the movie (big surprise!).  He offered me Brandon's room for the night.  Date #8 was toast and Diet Coke early Sunday morning, as he was headed to a church service with his parents and his sister's family and I was headed to Seattle to shop for graduation gifts for my son, Darren.


While many friends and family did not understand why things moved so quickly at the time, it has become crystal clear now.  That first day is the way we lived our short life together.  One crazy fun-loving adventure after another.  Full of travel, football, family, friends, great food, and lots of love and laughter.  We experienced a lot together in our short - much too short - time together. 


Johnny knew how to love life.  He was my soul mate and my best friend.  We knew that together with the Lord's hand, we could climb any mountain.  Thanks for the memories, my love.  Save me a place.

Don Goodwin
John and I always had a unique relationship. We rarely lived "too" close, so anytime we got together, it was for beers, tailgates; but always something fun. Our trip to Los Angeles for the Beaver vs SC game will ALWAYS be remembered. We flew from Portland to LA via Phoenix. John had all around us on the plane laughing; he always included all. We talked with Warren Moon (a famous pro football quarter back), we drank, we ate WELL (we made sure our hotel had a BBQ of course), but most of all we enjoyed each others company. I will never forget that time, nor will I ever forget John...he IS the best.
Nicole Hilderman
I will never forget the phone call I got from mom: "Nicole, are you sitting down?" "Yes" I lied (I was driving. . .not smart!) "Nicole, I am engaged!!!!!" Yeah, I almost swerved off the road! I was very, very happy for her, though I had never met this mystery man who won my mother's heart in a month's time. Since I am so close to mom, I was a little uncomfortable with this idea. So, two weeks later a friend and I were going to a wedding on the coast, and it so happened that mom and John were renting a cabin for the weekend right by where the wedding was. So, we stopped by. I remember walking in to the sight of mom and John lounging comfortably, the smell of the BBQ, and the feeling of love and comfort. Immediately I saw that what they had was so special. I immediately fell in love with him as well. My friend Cass and I were only able to be there for a short time, but in that time we really got to know John. We joked around, had a serious conversation, etc. It was amazing and I will always treasure the day I met my mother's new love. I take comfort that someday we will all be in the same place together, and I picture it to be very much like the day I met John. Loving friends, family, comfy clothes, BBQ, the sound and smell of the ocean, tranquility. I look forward to this time!
Marci Garrett
John's love for and commitment to his son is amazing.  He spent many weekends driving to see almost every little league game Brandon played in. Living in Seattle did not deter his dedication either - he then drove 12 hours in one-day to watch his son's year around activities.  This was true for the first day of school too, he had to be there to see Brandon off to kindergarden, first, second, third....
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